Eldorado Windy Farm

Home Farming in Eldorado

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Farm Blog, Spring 2015

March 21 - June 20

May 10

Susan planted all of the veggie plants from the sunroom. Included were: Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard, Red Russian Kale, White Egg Turnip, Donkey Spinach, Arugula, Nero di Tuscana Lacinato Kale, Early Wonder Tall Top Beet, Vates Collards, Piracicaba Non-heading Broccoli, Fun Jen Chinese Cabbage, Shuko Pac Choi/hybrid, Cracoviensis Lettuce OG. They were watered in and we are waiting for rain this week. I planted six new lavender plants (Munsted & Hidcote) to replace the ones that died over the winter.

April 25

The old hive of bees does not have a queen. On the 12th I moved a full bar of larva from the split hive. Waiting on the outcome. Most of the fruit trees have finished blooming except for the apples and sour cherries. There was a 25.3 degree night on the 16th, so most of the flowers were frozen. There are still apples and pears with small fruit on them, but I don't know if they will set. None of the peaches except the Reliance has any fruit at all. All of the baby veggies in the sun room are looking good, but will not be put out into the garden until mid May. All of the fruit trees and flower gardens were watered well.

March 24-25

Put one bag of Back-to-Earth Cypress Mulch on each fruit tree and watered it in. Sprayed fruit trees with Maxicrop.

March 22

Checked both bee hives and put in more sugar water. Both are doing fine. Cleaned around the trees in the orchard preparing to add mulch to all of them. The ground is still wet from the rains that we have received in the last couple of weeks. Bulbs and perennials in the back flower garden are all beginning to show growth. Grape hyacinths are beginning to flower.